About Our Department

             Physics is the branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy. The subject matter of physics includes mechanics, heat, light and other radiation, sound, electricity, magnetism, and the structure of atoms. The Department of Engineering Physics, NTU is established in 12th November 2022. From the starting time to now, Dr. Myat Su Mon Win served as Associate Professor and the head of the Department. In here and now situation, Daw Nu War War Maung is a Lecturer as a department member. The Department of Engineering Physics aim to produce the excellent engineers from NTU with best supported teaching based on fundamental theory of Engineering Physics contribute the parts of 

  1. Mechanics
  2. Oscillations and Mechanical Waves
  3. Thermodynamics
  4. Electricity and Magnetism
  5. Light and Optics
  6. Modern Physics

Vision, Mission and Motto

    The Department of Engineering Physics to be mainly supporting department to our Naypyitaw Technological University to become The Center of Excellence which is not only based on LMS systematic teaching system but also research based on fundamental theory of Engineering Physics.

    To introduce the student’s innovative instructional methods and discover their interest both in theory and in practical Physics.

    To teach the basic concepts and technologies concerning Engineering Physics for fabricating engineers, specialists and researchers who can effectively contribute to the building of a modern developed nations.

    To support the developmental activities of the University and make the Department animated on continuous improvement reputation and International standards.

    To organize and sustain efficient operating systems in the Department for informing power and leadership in transforming society for the benefit of humanity of our objectives.

“Be a good Engineer of our country, See and Learn from Nature. Think and Create on Physical Science.”

Staff list of Engineering Physics

Dr. Myat Su Mon Wi

Associate Professor & Dean

No.NamePositionDegreePhone No.Email
1Dr. Myat Su Mon WinAssociate Professor & DeanPh.D.(Engineering Physics)09-450925695myatsumon9@gmail.com
2Daw Nu Wah Wah MaungLecturerM.Res.(Physics)


Curriculum for Bachelor of Engineering Physics